
Sometimes fashionable, sometimes not, the “ninth art” is a medium in itself.

RIVER: SKIN ON THE OUTSIDE was an early graphic novel produced entirely in 3D. Graphically crude – with some nice compositions -, it was groundbreaking, at the time, and I think the story’s okay, too. You can download it here.

Before and after RIVER, I published short comics, mostly in online magazines, which then I collected as SMALL STORIES. There’s a lot of experimentation, but I think THE NARRATOR and THE CHICKEN KING AND THE PRINCE OF BIRDS are still worth a look. You can download it here.

The ads in both books, as well as the website through which I published them, (the stories appeared in other people’s publications, too), are obsolete. Here are some bits and pieces from those and other projects.

Graphically, most of this is 3D, with postwork, but there is some photo-manipulation, too. All writing is mine.